Pittsburgh Cemeteries

The Art and Architecture of Death

Prospect Cemetery

On a hill overlooking Brackenridge, this cemetery includes a circle right at the entrance where Henry Marie Brackenridge, founder of the borough, judge, son of the great satirist Hugh Henry Brackenridge, and important writer in his own right, is buried.

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Memory of
Who departed this life
July 29, 1846,
Aged 22 Yrs. 6 mos. 5 ds.

A tombstone in the “poster style,” as Father Pitt likes to call it; this is probably one of the ones moved here from older graveyards.

A splendid bilingual zinc monument—German on one side, English on the other. As usual with zinc monuments, it is as legible now as it was when it was put up. This is style no. 156 from the Monumental Bronze Company, with an interesting choice of panel inserts.

Father Pitt was not able to find this poem anywhere on line. His attempt at a translation follows the transcription, but anyone who knows German better is invited to correct it:

Liebe Eltern ich muss scheiden,
Denn mein Jesus ruft mir zu;
Nun erlost von allem Leiden,
Gönnet mir die susse Ruh.

Tröstet euch, wir seh’n uns wieder,
Dort in jener Herrlichkeit,
Singet ihm die frohen Lieder,
Bleibet doch mit Gott vereint.

Dear parents, I must depart,
For my Jesus calls to me;
Spared by good fortune from all suffering,
He allows me sweet repose.

Be comforted; we shall meet again,
There in that glory,
Sing joyful songs to him,
Linger still united with God.

Henry Marie Brackenridge, son of the famous Hugh Henry Brackenridge, founded the borough of Brackenridge, and his family has an honored place in the middle of the circle at the entrance to Prospect Cemetery.

The obelisk once bore a number of inscriptions, but they are almost obliterated by time.

Henry Marie’s own grave is marked by a very modest headstone. Father Pitt was not able to read the epitaph, although it might be clearer in morning light.

Cornelia Brackenridge McKelvy, on the other hand, who died in 1882 at the age of 29, has a very expensive grave with a life-size statue. Is it meant to be a portrait of the deceased?

A bilingual zinc or “white bronze” monument for a native of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (now part of Thuringia): English on one side, German on the other. Unusually it gives us two dates: the date of death (1877) and the date the monument was erected (1880).

Kisselbach is a very small town: Wikipedia gives its current population as 586.

The epitaph seems to be from an old folk song. Father Pitt appends his own attempt at a translation, but anyone who knows German better is welcome to improve it.

Lebe wohl du mutterliche Erde,
Nimm mich auf in deinen kühlen Schoos,
Dass mein Herz nach kummer nach beschwerden,
Ruhen möge unterm kühlen Moos.

Farewell, thou motherly earth,
Take me in thy cooling lap,
So that after all my trials and pains,
My heart may rest under the cooling moss.

This particular style of monument is the Monumental Bronze Company’s Design No. 8.

A finely proportioned Modern Ionic mausoleum with an attractive stained-glass window and artistic bronze doors.

This is one of the earlier burials that were moved from nearby churchyards to Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge, and it is probably the most artistic early-settler tombstone Father Pitt has yet found in this area. The style is a close and extraordinarily skillful imitation of nineteenth-century decorative penmanship styles, so we shall call this craftsman the Master of the Brackenridge Flourishes. And although Father Pitt admits to using the title “Master” a bit facetiously for some of the other local craftsmen, it is entirely deserved here.

In Memory of
Who departed this life,
February –th, 1820
in the –th Year
[Of his Age]


The stone may be later than its 1820 date, but it is almost certainly not later than the 1840s. A matching stone beside it, obviously by the same artist, is too badly damaged to read.

A small but rich-looking mausoleum in a kind of classicized Gothic style, topped by Hope clutching her anchor. The bronze doors are particularly worth looking at. The mausoleum and statue are nearly identical to the J. P. Ober mausoleum in Allegheny Cemetery, with only very slight alterations in the details.